Soul Guidance for a More Purposeful Life.

Uncover the Soul Messages Behind the Stress.

The root causes of any challenge lie beyond the realm of the conscious mind and body.

They reside in the soul, a subconscious storehouse of messages and memories from all your experiences in this lifetime and beyond.

Have you ever felt invisible forces at play in your life, keeping you locked in repeated dramas you can't see your way out of?

Turns out, these forces have their origin deep within your inner universe, in your soul.

But how does one shift something one can't see?

This is where the soul guidance comes in.

You're here for a higher purpose. Your soul knows what this purpose is.

But along the way, fear, trauma, societal pressures, and more caused you to drift further away from this purpose, one choice at a time.

Your soul still remembers, and whispers—or eventually screams—to get you back on track.

This brings us to the plot twist:

Your biggest pains could be pointing you to your highest purpose!

If only you could stop spinning in place and see past the problems…

…Now, you can!

Know the Root Cause and Get Empowered.

Know the Root Cause and Get Empowered.

You're here for a higher purpose. Your soul knows what this purpose is.

But along the way, fear, trauma, societal pressures, and more caused you to drift further away from this purpose, one choice at a time.

Your soul still remembers, and whispers—or eventually screams—to get you back on track.

This brings us to the plot twist:

Your biggest pains could be pointing you to your highest purpose!

If only you could stop spinning in place and see past the problems…

…Now, you can!

How a Personal Consultation Works

In a personal consultation, you receive a soul reading for your unique situation. It offers clarity and a higher perspective on your challenges.

  • Hear messages from your soul, and from your spiritual guides.

  • Get insights on your challenges and the blessings hidden within.

  • In a dilemma? Get readings on which choices are most aligned with your soul's path.

Armed with this knowledge, you can step out of the overwhelm.

And be empowered to move forward with more clarity & purpose.

Book your reading today.

Your Guides

Hardeep Kharbanda, MFA, Tao Calligraphy Teacher & Master Practitioner, Soul Communicator, Licensed Massage Therapist

Yanan Wu, MFA, Tao Calligraphy Teacher & Master Practitioner, Soul Communicator, Certificate in Initiatic Art Therapy

We’re Yanan and Hardeep, a couple on a healing journey since 2007 when we fell in love. We’ve grown together through some wild experiences—becoming Yoga teachers and Reiki Masters, losing two pregnancies, giving up our comfortable lives to move to Hawaii, then letting go again and returning to the Eastern US after ten years.

In Hawaii, we met Dr. & Master Sha, who connected us deeper with our souls’ purpose and continues to empower us as healers and teachers to this day.

Since 2013, we've been trained in Soul Communication and Soul Healing, and in 2017 we were empowered with the ability to access the Akashic Records.

Whether working at our jobs (in media production and marketing), serving clients for their healing, or pursuing spiritual growth, we’ve found that we can flow in sync with each other and with the outer universe only by nurturing and healing the inner world of one’s soul, heart, mind, and body.

Today, as the world gets increasingly chaotic, we see people burning out with anxiety, depression, fatigue, chronic pain, and other modern-day illnesses. We realized the root cause is a disconnect from one’s inner universe, especially the soul.

We started Inner Universe Mastery as a way to serve you and others in restoring that connection—bringing joy, empowerment, flow, and purpose to all.

Hardeep helped me work through the blockages which were manifesting in inaction and lack of self-confidence. I felt completely seen, accepted, and safe with some vulnerable areas of my life. The whole process allowed me to feel empowered to move forward with action. It was perfect for what I needed at the time. I am very grateful to have found such a soul who successfully combines his compassionate nature with his practical knowledge. He will work with you where you are at and address core issues blocking your progress.


My healing with Yanan was sublimely peaceful and beneficial. As Yanan sent the healing vibrations to me, I felt purified, emptied out and renewed. Since the healing, my shoulders and hips have not been hurting. I have felt more open and trusting with people and have been more friendly with them than I usually am. I have been feeling forgiveness for others and tolerating their irritating behaviors with compassion. I'm releasing the past more and enjoying the present moment with more gratitude and less worry.


Waking up to the good news that our application has been approved and we have a new home. When I completed my application, I asked for a blessing for it to be approved and then did not think about it at all, did not spend all day jittery and worrying about it. If it was not approved, we would just start over. Thank you for helping me snap out of that constantly negative frame of mind not only with the home, but also the car.


A Better Life Awaits.


Your personal consultation is a safe space for you to open to your challenges and their solutions. The information you share with us, and any information we receive through the soul readings, are held privately and confidentially. We will never share them without your consent.

Optional Add-on Services:
During the consults, we may recommend solutions to clear blockages and boost your wellbeing. If you choose to receive these services, we can send them to you during or after the consultation. For services that carry fees, we will make the details clear to you first. No hidden or surprise fees. Ever.


Asked Questions

I’m already in therapy. How is this different?

Our personal consultations don’t replace therapy; they complement it. While talk therapy works on the conscious mind, we uncover the soul messages at the root of your conscious and subconscious patterns. In the personal consultation, we also offer soul-based solutions to clear the root blockages that created these challenges. When recipients apply these solutions, they begin to change their lives from a deeper level of their being.

Is this like hypnosis or channeling?

No. You are fully awake and aware during these consultations. So are we. We share the soul messages without either party going into a hypnotic or trance state.

What about my privacy?

Your personal consultation is a safe space for you to open to your challenges and their solutions. The information you share with us, and any information we receive through the soul readings, are held privately and confidentially. We will never share them without your consent.

Can I bring another person with me to the consultation?

If your question or challenge is directly related to this person, and both of you are comfortable hearing the soul reading, feel free to bring them.

Otherwise, to maintain a safe, sacred space for your growth and healing, it’s best if you receive the guidance privately.

Our services and content are to complement, not replace, any treatments you are using for your well-being. The wellness guidance provided here is not a medical diagnosis or treatment. We're confident these methods work, but the results depend on your openness and consistency. We aim to help you align your inner vibrational field for more well-being, effectiveness, and growth. We love you.

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